The Anicom in brief

The National Association of Seafood Freezing Industries essentially aims to represent and defend the general interests of this profession and to undertake any action to promote the industrial freezing activities of seafood products in Morocco.

The Association is managed, regarding day-to-day professional affairs and administrative services, by a board of directors composed of a maximum of 7 members elected by the general assembly from among the members.


Frozen Sardines

Sardina Pilchardus Walbaum

In terms of sardine production, Morocco holds the top position worldwide with high catches reaching 974,124 tonnes in 2019. Pelagic species, primarily sardines, contribute to the majority of export quantities, accounting for 70% of the total weight, while representing 26% of the value.

Spanish Mackerel

Scomber Colias

Locally known as "Kabaila," the Spanish mackerel is characterized by a body adorned with blue stripes and a white belly. It typically measures between 18 to 30 cm in length. Highly valued for its flesh, Moroccan Spanish mackerel is rich in B-group vitamins, vitamin D, as well as several minerals such as selenium, iron, and iodine. Additionally, it serves as a source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Moroccan Crustaceans

The production of valuable Moroccan crustaceans

The production of crustaceans in Morocco is around 10,000 tonnes, which corresponds to a value of 848 million Moroccan Dirhams (DH), representing 7% of the total value of national fisheries production.


The Octopus

In terms of octopus production, Morocco ranks third with 8.4% of the global production, following Vietnam (21.8%) and China (21%), and preceding Mauritania (8.2%) and Mexico (7.2%). The export of cephalopods serves as the main driver of exports, accounting for 68% of the total value, while representing 28% of the export quantity.

Moroccan White Fish

A wide variety of species and flavors

With a diverse and high-quality raw material, Moroccan processing units for white fish place great importance on the valorization process, from receiving the fish to packaging the finished products, while meeting the most stringent standards of hygiene and safety.

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An expanding sector

The freezing of fishery products holds a significant position among the preservation and processing activities in our industry. Most freezing units are concentrated in the southern part of the country due to the development of cephalopod fishing and pelagic fishing. The products are processed in strict adherence to national and international sanitation standards. Quality assurance and traceability programs have been established from capture to the shipment of the finished products.

Freezing of Small Pelagic Fish 60%
Freezing of Cephalopods 25%
Freezing of Crustaceans 5%


Missions and Objectives

The main mission of ANICOM is to defend the interests of seafood freezing industry professionals through advocacy and lobbying on behalf of its members. Additionally, ANICOM aims to promote the profession and enhance the brand image of frozen products of Moroccan origin, both nationally and internationally.

Promotion à l'international

Dans le cadre de la FENIP, l'ANICOM fait profiter ces membres d'une visibilité et d'un accompagnement dans le cadre de leurs participations dans les principaux salons dédiés au secteur


Innovation et montée en gamme

L'ANICOM recherche en partenariat avec la FENIP, les pistes d'innovation et de montée en gamme pour les produits de la mer congelés


Certifications et normes

A travers des actions d'information de formation ainsi que des conventions de partenariats avec Maroc PME, et d'autres organisations et institutions


Mise en relation

A travers un réseau de contacts à l'international et ses divers partenariats nationaux, l'ANICOM permet à ces membres d'accéder à un réseau étendu de contacts


An ambitious program for 2023

In terms of achievements, ANICOM aims to implement the actions decided by the national board. This includes providing members with information and documentation regarding the seafood freezing industry. ANICOM also conducts surveys, scientific studies, and research to further enhance industry knowledge and practices. Furthermore, the association organizes advertising campaigns to promote Moroccan seafood products internationally. This serves to increase awareness and recognition of Moroccan seafood in global markets. By undertaking these actions, ANICOM strives to support its members, disseminate valuable industry information, and promote the visibility and competitiveness of Moroccan seafood products on the international stage.

Business Matchmaking

Are you buyers looking for suppliers of Moroccan seafood products? This space allows you to submit your request.

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Joining the association

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