
The recommendations of FENIP and its member associations are based on improving the efficiency of the productive fabric, including the progressive reduction of factors that hinder national competitiveness and the implementation of various tools to support the industry in order to enhance operational excellence and innovation.


FENIP is strengthening its strategic monitoring service

We are living in the era of technological advancement. Digital progress has completely revolutionized our daily lives, and one of the most significant impacts has been felt in the business world. Companies now have access to data-driven tools and strategies that allow them to know more about their customers and themselves than ever before. However, not everyone is benefiting from this, and many businesses are overwhelmed by the weight of information from their customers, suppliers, staff members, market competitors, social networks, and more. Only a high-performing and innovative information management system can help businesses tackle this challenge.

As a key player in the fishing industry sector, FENIP is constantly called upon to bring its expertise and experience to sector operators. It is in this context that FENIP has adopted the strategic intelligence service, which enables the acquisition of relevant strategic information, ranging from examining the economic, technological, regulatory, and legal environment to detecting weak or strong signals about new markets or opportunities. This allows FENIP to position itself as a reference organization in terms of monitoring and strategic intelligence for the benefit of its members.

Recognizing the benefits of this tool, FENIP aims to make it accessible to every member company.

Our various deliverables include press reviews, competitive intelligence, regulatory monitoring, innovation monitoring, country profiles, product profiles, newsletters, on-demand studies (information and statistics), sector updates, statistical data sheets, proposed dimensions of development for a strategic positioning of the fishing industry in Morocco, and more.

